Philosophies No. 1
The world needs some OBJECTIVITY!!
If individuals can be civil with each other, SURELY the collectives MUST follow suit!!!
The World can not be selfish of its self; it can only be used in a selfish way.
For EVERYONE who struggles in this world!
Try to maintain your own positive values! If you CAN do that, then EVERYTHING else should be easier to achieve!!
NEGATIVITY of ANY kind can only make life MORE difficult!!
DO NOT allow the failings of others, to unduly affect your balance!
TRY NOT to expect from life, as Life tends to be RANDOM!
By its randomness life is difficult to understand!
TRY NOT to envy those who appear to have an easier ride than you! As all may NOT be as it appears!
NEVER allow yourself to think that you DESERVE anything!! SOME things will happen, SOME things won’t!!
TRY NOT to attach extreme emotions to any event! As they in turn, may control you!
If you are able to project POSITIVITY, you are far more likely to ATTRACT POSITIVITY!!
NEVER allow yourself to think that ANYTHING is EASY!! You will only invite failure!!
Meet the world with an open heart and a POSITIVE attitude! At least then, you can be reasonably sure, that you will not NEGATIVELY influence ANYONE else!!
It is likely that many events will happen, that are BEYOND your control!! All you can do is try to react to them, in a POSITIVE way!
There is NO Guarantee that any of this will make Life BETTER!
Only that by these individual philosophies, it is FAR less likely, that you will contribute to the NEGATIVITY of this world!!
If individuals can be POSITIVE with each other, SURELY the collectives MUST follow suit!!!
28 January 2010 at 15:17
What a great first post!! Loved it!! Especially 'cause help me in these moments when everything seems to be against you, but I know that most part of that is in my head!! I always try to be positive because for many years I was a negative force that only attracted negatives things and ppl. I can now say since last year I was reborn adn enjoying every minute!! of course not always I can be jumpy, happy with joy, but I try to be apart from negativeness.
Thank you so much for this post dear friend and hope u keep the writting coming! I only wish peace and joy of ur soul!!
xoxox (porn and o's)
Russell Willis
28 January 2010 at 15:26
What a great first COMMENT!
Kinda felt a little exposed and uncertain re content, but feel much better now!
Positivity can often be difficult, but is ultimately worth it!
So Happy that you manage it!
Keep well and "peace and joy of ur soul"!! too
Thanks Much!!
29 January 2010 at 16:30
I object!
That was far too good!
No doubt about it - a positively good post!!
Damn fine blogging sir!
Phil Townley
31 January 2010 at 19:01
Well that puts mine to shame.
I agree with Derry, far too good.
Please don't be so good next time.
Not being very postive am I?
Lovely stuff, and really DO keep it up, it's all good. Look forward to the next one.
31 January 2010 at 19:59
Excellent post ! You have inspired me to make an effort to think positively again. I forget sometimes. I look forward to future posts!
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