How did I ever come to be a Blogger?
I am only a very recent convert to this “Blogging” malarkey!
I was inspired to begin this crazy ride, by some of the good online friends I have found on twitter.
Twitter, being only a marginally older pastime of mine, has introduced me to a vast array of differently interesting people (tweeps).
Some of my favourite tweeps are quite partial, to many forms of literature. It is these tweeps that have introduced me to the act (art) of “blogging”.
I had often, before, heard the term “blogger” and was aware of the basic format of a “blog”. Though until recently, considered “blogs” to be the banal realm of the boring, egocentrical, bitchy, or the obsessively nerdy!
Whilst it is highly likely that there are many blogs from such individuals, I have been introduced to an entirely new form of blogging.
A blog from quite sane and normal individuals, with which I can associate and whose posts I enjoy reading!
Since I have begun to read and enjoy these types of blogs, I have been steadily cultivating the urge to reciprocate!
The eloquence and openness of those that have invited me to read their posts, has been one of the biggest influences, in my decision to start my own blog!
For which, you are now reaping the fruits (however sour, or sweet, they may be!!)
Regardless of the theme, it is always interesting to read each individuals perspective, on each matter in hand.
Long, or short; upbeat, or solemn; introspective, or encompassing.
With comments invited for each post (feel free to add your comment to this blog, should you wish), it is possible to share opinions on the blog theme, or simply comment on the blogs content!
This, I find, to be the most interesting part of the blogging activity.
I’m always left feeling a little vulnerable, having laid my thoughts to print, for the world to observe!
It is the content of the comments (should there be any), that allays my paranoia!
In truth I have not yet had a negative comment. So long as it is constructive, I shall appreciate it.
Should, for any reason, it simply be, a nasty, or destructively negative comment, I shall simply delete it!!
So, my blogging journey has begun!
For those that have travelled with me, thus far; Sincere thanks, for your patience and grace!
For everyone else who may cross paths with this blog; I hope that you find it to be of some merit!
I do hope to be able to demonstrate some form of growth throughout the life of this blog. I certainly deem this blog to be in its infancy! (I can’t seem to resist tinkering with the format, layout, and style)
You may find it to be a wild ride, with crests and crashes, a plenty! However the journey meanders, I hope that you are able keep some confidence with the pilot!!
Here’s to the Journey!
Bon Voyage!!.......
5 February 2010 at 23:08
Well, I am very glad you decided to join the blogging bandwagon! I think you are doing very well so far, as I have found all your posts to be very engaging and interesting!
Looking forward to all your posts to come :)
6 February 2010 at 16:40
Excellent my friend, I can relate to your post cause I didn't imagine I will be a blogger! well actually not as active as other great bloggers but Im trying, I guess with every post we reveal something about ourself and we practice a catharsis (as we say in psychology) a way to express our feelings and inner thougts. Like tears clean our soul, blog post clean our mind and feelings. I'm so lucky I found truly lovely ppl on twitter who encourage me to blog and to be part of theirs!!
I only hope someday meet one of them (you included) and share some beers
GRacias por incluirme en tu experiencia de blogging, te deseo paz y felicidad del alma!!
Lots of porn and o's :)
11 February 2010 at 13:45
Personally, I think it was inevitable. A man of your undoubted verbosity, vocabulary and vision - it was just a matter of time.